Serie - Betty

Season 1 [m3u8][xspf]
  1. Betty - S01E01 - Key Party
  2. Betty - S01E02 - Zen and the Art of Skateboarding
  3. Betty - S01E03 - Happy Birthday, Tyler
  4. Betty - S01E04 - The Tombs
  5. Betty - S01E05 - Perstephanie
  6. Betty - S01E06 - Ladies on Fire
Season 2 [m3u8][xspf]
  1. Betty - S02E01 - Octopussy
  2. Betty - S02E02 - Blue is the Warmest Threesome
  3. Betty - S02E03 - Sugar We're Going Down, Swinging
  4. Betty - S02E04 - Sweet Tooth
  5. Betty - S02E05 - Good Luck With That
  6. Betty - S02E06 - The Let Out